Monday, February 3, 2014

Feed Your Dream

 F.E.E.D. Your Dream 

Four Elements That Drive Success

 1. Focus     2. Effort     3. Evenness     4. Discipline


“If you are going to be a champion, you must be willing to pay a greater price.”  - Bud Wilkinson

If you have some significant goals you would like to accomplish, or desire to live a life that makes an impact, there are four key elements critical to your daily routine.  These are essential to incorporate into your life as you push towards achieving those goals. 
These keys to success are very simple, yet sadly for most people, they are often just too difficult to even implement, much less maintain.  However, if you can continue with persistent determination to make these elements part of your life, the rewards will be great indeed!
1 - FOCUS – Possibly the most important element you must possess to get where you want to be is focus. Think of a laser - light that increases with power and intensity the more it is focused.  Being focused means that no matter what distractions come your way, you will remain relentless in your pursuit of your goals.  You will stay the course… regardless.

I was traveling through the airport not long ago and had a very tight connection.  As a coffee addict, the one aspect of air travel I choose to enjoy is a good "cup o' Joe" between flights.  This particular trip only afforded me a brief few minutes to hit the Starbucks on the way to my gate.  So, I exited the plane, focused on two things – the board showing my connecting flight information, and the nearest coffee bar.  (Actually, my focus was really on the coffee.  I already had a good idea of where I was going.)  But once I got my gate info, I was off to get the coffee - no restroom detours, no stops to chat, no newsstand detours.  I was focused on my objective! 

Do you have that one big goal? Have you determined the steps necessary to achieve it? Then lock in on those steps, and do them daily with a laser like focus until to reach your destination.  You will have many distractions on your way to greatness, mostly from those who want to protect you from failure.  Anyone or anything that would deter you from your mission should not get a single look!  Focus on that dream and don’t let there be any room for average in your life.  Demand excellence from yourself!

2 - EFFORT – Apply the effort of a champion.  A winner is one who does those little things that make a big difference, even when no one is watching.  Whether you want to shred those last couple percentages of body fat, or be the number one salesman in your firm, you do what it takes – eat only clean and healthy foods, do the extra rep on the bench, make the extra sales calls or work that extra hour instead of meeting up with those “just enough, only what I’m paid to do” people at the bar.

Anything worth doing is not just worth doing well, it’s worth doing great – doing whatever you are focused on to the very best of your ability.  Don’t do something halfway, go all in and do it with everything you've got!  If life has thrown your ox in the ditch, it’s going to take some serious effort to get him out!  So don’t just give him an occasional, casual tug.  Bear down and pull until you’re back on track!

3 - EVENNESS – This applies to your daily habits.  The successful don’t live in an up and down manner.  Their lives are not a roller coaster ride.  We all experience bumps in the road, but what kind of “suspension system” we have determines our outlook, and all winners have internal shock absorbers that provide consistency and protect them emotionally.  That evenness in their attitude, regardless of outside circumstances provides them the ability to operate and move toward their target consistently each and every day.

Evenness also means consistency, and consistency is the opposite of complacency.  Achievers are never satisfied.  They wake up every day hungry for more.  You are the only person you need to compare yourself to, and the only person you should desire to be better than… is the person you were yesterday.  Those that are meant for greatness are consistently looking for ways to improve, learn new skills, and even fine tune the skills they already possess.   They are consistently performing the necessary and often mundane daily tasks that the unsuccessful refuse to do.  Without consistency, there can be no success.

4 - DISCIPLINE – I read the other day that you haven’t seen discipline until you have tasted discipline.  Man that rings true!  I know athletes that eat the same thing over and over and over again, run the same trails, or perform the same exercises with ever increasing intensity, hundreds, or even thousands of times… not because it tastes good or feels good, but because it is what their body needs to perform at peak levels and get them the results they are looking for.  Simply put, discipline is what gets results.

If you’re reading this, most likely you are someone who already has some specific goals for your life.  If not, figure out really what matters most to you and write down some specific life goals before life gets away from you.  And since that is the source of an entirely new conversation, I’ll leave it for another time… But take those written goals, and after you have formulated a plan – which ultimately should include some coaching or mentorship – apply these four key elements in your quest to achieve what you truly want out of life.

1.      Focus on those goals and living a life of significance… 
2.      Apply effort to each component of your plan… 
3.      Make that effort focused and consistent, maintaining an even spirit throughout the process… 
4.      Discipline yourself to maintain consistent, focused effort and stay the course.

Understand this… If you make a mistake – and you will probably make many if you are chasing your dreams - don’t make an excuse, learn the lesson!  The most successful make the most mistakes.  Failure is not failure unless you refuse to learn the lesson it is trying to teach you and lie down and quit!  An excuse is 100 times more deadly than a lie, because an excuse is a lie that is protected!  So don’t look for pity when you fail.  Look for the lesson and go back to work! Give 100% to everything you do, and nothing less, because 99% of the way is still only 99% of the way... 

So you have a decision today.  Make a determined choice to dominate these four things, never look back, and discover your greatness.  I promise you.  If you do this, you will lead a life worth living - a life that will make a difference in the lives of others.

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