What's Wrong with Us?
So much has been going on in the world lately. SO much trouble and despair, I see so many people hurting and losing hope as the American economy continues to shrink and our government and the nation as a whole seems more divided than ever before.
It seems that while there is talk all across the political spectrum of coming together, tolerance, and compromise, there is little if any action in that direction. And those who seem to be screaming the loudest are the least willing to engage in any meaningful dialogue.
I've been tempted to buy into that line of thinking at times until I take time to reflect on my blessings and the opportunities afforded to all of us who will take advantage of them. Everyone has challenges and problems they have to deal with, as do all
nations. We still live in the greatest country in the world with an
unlimited amount of opportunity.
It really is up to us. The key to restoring the glory of this wonderful nation rests as the feet of its citizens. Free enterprise and the American spirit can resurrect and restore. I found this great little article by Vic Johnson that is applicable here and worth a look.
Check it out...
The only disablilty is a bad attitude.
...and let's create the life we want for us and our loved ones.
God bless