Blogging 101... is there a course like that available? Just started the twitter thing and am exploring all the new technology available to us today. Pretty amazing I think. Perhaps I would have written more over the years had this all been around. I have done a fair bit of journaling over the years only to lose much of my writings to lost papers and crashed hard drives. Just recently, I lost a substantial amount of notes and subject matter I had planned to expound upon when my smart phone froze and required a factory reset. You would think I would have learned by now, but I actually thought I had all that backed up to my SD card. I suppose I will just have to put my thoughts on paper first... but at my age I have realized the need to write down the thought as soon as it enters my brain.
Build Your Life Now is a really just a result of where I find myself now at 52 years of age in transition to a new career path - totally unsure of how I arrived at where I am, and not entirely sure of where I'm going. But I am deeply committed to redeeming the time and building the life I've always wanted... getting where I choose to go and helping others find the way too. Now is the time for us to step up and live the life we are capable of, only limited my our own thoughts and actions... but unfortunately for many, we are seriously bound by our past failures and their attachment to us. My past, especially the last several years void of progress and full of goals not reached, has begun to haunt me during recent months.
Currently I find myself almost totally disabled from surgery to repair a ruptured bicep, injured by some heavy falling metal debris during tornado clean-up. Can anyone relate to being in the wrong place at the wrong time? So, now I am forced to sit at home and read, (I cannot drive for awhile...) and really ponder my life at this point. Actually, now that I'm past the pain meds and able to function mentally, the opportunity for heavy introspection is refreshing. Divine providence has allowed me the chance for some serious self-evaluation and thought about the future. This was not possible a short time ago, but due to the injury, which was preceded by the loss of a solid management job of many years, I find myself with more time than anything else, except possibly the questions...
The life we live is a result of choices we make and I have suddenly become very serious about those choices. My talents and interests cover a wide spectrum; And as time speeds by, I desire to live a fuller life of my own design, a life that will cover that wider spectrum, and make a difference in the lives of as many other people as possible. The older we get, the quicker the days fly by for all of us and we cannot afford to spend a single day fretting about our past at the expense of our future! We live in the greatest country in the world, full of options, and choices that we can freely pursue to make a grand life for us and our families. Life is too short to not be doing at least some of the things that bring us joy.
My greatest passion... I've been playing saxophone for over 40 years now, but discovered jazz as a teenager and have never been the same since. The older I get the more I love to play my horn. It is my connection to the spiritual realm. Music, especially improvised jazz, expresses like nothing else, that which cannot be expressed. It can soothe and heal, and prepares my heart for worship and a deep connection to God.
I am excited about technology and finally taking the time to explore these new mediums of expression. I have always loved to write and have had so many thoughts and new ideas run through my head lately, that I have felt compelled to start writing it all down. So hopefully this newly hatched blog will be the creative outlet that will allow me to ramble as I work out some of life's contradictions.
I hope and pray this forum will not only help me, but perhaps create some meaningful dialogue among us humans who have to share our lives with one another. And as it says on the above photo, "It is never too late to become what you could have been."